الخميس، 25 أبريل 2019

General Awareness

 Important MCQs : 23 April 2019

❓Inflation Indexed Bonds is pegged to _?
❓What is the minimum public shareholding (MPS) mandated by SEBI for Private Companies and PSUs respectively?
✔️25% and 10%
❓Why the Indirect taxes are termed regressive taxing mechanisms?

✔️They are charged the same for all income groups
❓The concept of ‘Universal Banking’ was implemented in India on the recommendations of:?
✔️R H Khan Committee
❓The central nodal agency for implementing the price support operations for commercial crops is:?
❓What is the upper limit of transaction of amount via NEFT to a person in Nepal via the Indo-Nepal Remittance Facility Scheme?
✔️Rs. 50,000
❓Round tripping is used as a _?
✔️Means of tax evasion
❓What is the share of Government of India in NABARD?
❓In which year Food Safety and Standards Act was enacted in India?
❓Maximum share in total external debt of India is of ___?
✔️Long-term borrowings

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