Methods of charging of batteries
batteries are charged generally by two
methods, namely
(a) Constant Voltage Method
(b) Constant Current Method
Constant Voltage Method : In this method, the voltage of the source is kept constant
and current passes through the battery is regulated.
method is preferred owing to the fact that the charging current would
automatically taper off due to the growth of emf of the cell.
method needs lesser attention compared to Constant current method
Constant Current Method
In this method, charging current is
maintained constant till the battery is
fully charged.
• Figure shows the method of charging a
• The battery to be charged is
connected to the DC source.
• The charging current can be
maintained constant by a resistor connected in series with battery as shown in
• The charging current is measured with
the help of a ammeter connected in series with the battery.
• Care is to be taken, such that the
temperature of the battery should not to exceed 40°C
• If the temperature exceeds 45oC,
the charging process should be stopped for a while.
• This method of charging takes longer
time than that of constant voltage method, but the life of battery is
• This method is safe and causes less
damage do the plates.
Efficiency of a
The efficiency of a
battery is expressed in two ways
(i) Ampere-hour efficiency or
Quantity efficiency
(ii) Watt-hour efficiency or
Energy efficiency
Ampere-hour efficiency (or) Quantity efficiency
Ø It is the ratio of out put in ampere
hour during discharge to the input in ampere hour during charge
Ø It is denoted by ηAH
Ø %ηAH = [(Ampere hour during discharge) /
(Ampere hour during charge)] X 100
Ø If Id is the average
current in amperes during
Ø Td is the time of discharge in
Ø Ic be the average charging
current in ampere
Ø Tc be the time during charge
in hours
Ø Then, %ηAH =[(Id X Td) / (Ic
X Tc)] X 100
Ø The ampere hour efficiency varies
between 90% to 95%.
Ø It means that if lead acid cell
provides 90 AH on complete discharge,
then 100 AH must be put back into the cell to restore it to original condition.
Watt - hour efficiency (or) Energy efficiency
Ø It is the ratio of out put energy in
watt hours during discharge to the input energy in watt hour during charge
Ø It is denoted by ηWH
Ø %ηWH
= [(Output
in watt hours during discharge) / (Input
in watt hour during charge)] X 100
Ø The Energy or Watt hour efficiency
can be determined from the ampere hour or quantity efficiency
Ø If
Vd & Vc is the average terminal voltage
of the battery during discharge time & charging time respectively in volt,
Ø Td
and Tc is the time of
discharge in hours during discharging and charging respectively.
Ø Ic
and Id be the average charging current and
discharging current respectively in
= [(Vd
X Id X Td) / (Vc
X Ic X Tc)] X 100
= {[(Vd ) / (Vc)
] X [ ( Id X Td)
/ ( Ic X Tc)]
} X 100
= [ (Vd
) / (Vc) ] X % ηAH