الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2019

Alternating Machines ( AC Machines )

Electrical Machines 

Motor is a device which converts an electrical energy into mechanical energy.
A.C Motors are very popularly used in practice.
»A.C  Motors are the motor can be operate on  A.C supply.

Classification Of A.C Motors

According to principle of operation
According to speed
According to type of current
According to structural features
According to location

Classification according to working principle
1. Synchronous Motors
2. Asynchronous Motors 
Synchronous motor
A synchronous motor is a  constant speed motor.

It can be operated over a wide range of power factors.
It is a doubly excited machine.
Advantages of synchronous motor
Power factor can be controlled easily.
Motor can work at lagging, leading & upf.
Speed is constant and independent of load.
Disadvantages of synchronous motors
It is not self starting motor.
It requires dc excitation.
Initial cost is very high.
It can not be used for variable speed drives.
If the motor is over loaded it may fall out of step.
It has a tendency to Hunt.

Applications of synchronous 
It can be used as power factor corrector
Constant speed applications like clocks,air compressors & centrifugal pumps
Improving voltage regulation of long transmission lines
Frequency changers

الاثنين، 30 ديسمبر 2019

UPS ( Uninterrupted Power supply )

UPS ( Uninterrupted Power supply )

In a UPS, the energy is generally stored in flywheels, batteries, or super capacitors. When compared to other immediate power supply system, UPS have the advantage of immediate protection against the input power interruptions. It has very short on-battery run time; however this time is enough to safely shut down the connected apparatus (computers, telecommunication equipment etc) or to switch on a standby power source. UPS can be used as a protective device for some hardware which can cause serious damage or loss with a sudden power disruption. Uninterruptible power source, Battery backup and Flywheel back up are the other names often used for UPS. The available size of UPS units ranges from 200 VA which is used for a solo computer to several large units up to 46 MVA.

When there is any failure in main power source, the UPS will supply the power for a short time. This is the prime role of UPS. In addition to that, it can also able to correct some general power problems related to utility services in varying degrees. The problems that can be corrected are voltage spike (Sustained over voltage), Noise, Quick reduction in input voltage, Harmonic distortion and the instability of frequency in mains.

Methods of charging of batteries

Methods of charging of batteries

         The batteries are charged  generally by two methods, namely
 (a) Constant Voltage Method
 (b) Constant Current Method

Constant Voltage Method : In this method, the voltage of the source is kept constant and current passes through the battery is regulated.
         This method is preferred owing to the fact that the charging current would automatically taper off due to the growth of emf of the cell.
         This method needs lesser attention compared to Constant current method

Constant Current Method

In this method, charging current is maintained  constant till the battery is fully charged.
      Figure shows the method of charging a battery.
      The battery to be charged is connected to the DC source.
      The charging current can be maintained constant by a resistor connected in series with battery as shown in figure.
      The charging current is measured with the help of a ammeter connected in series with the battery.
      Care is to be taken, such that the temperature of the battery should not to exceed 40°C
      If the temperature exceeds 45oC, the charging process should be stopped for a while.
      This method of charging takes longer time than that of constant voltage method, but the life of battery is increased.
      This method is safe and causes less damage do the plates.

Efficiency of a battery
The efficiency of a battery is expressed in two ways
          (i) Ampere-hour efficiency or Quantity efficiency    
           (ii) Watt-hour efficiency      or  Energy efficiency

Ampere-hour efficiency  (or) Quantity efficiency
Ø  It is the ratio of out put in ampere hour during discharge to the input in ampere hour during charge
Ø  It is denoted by ηAH
Ø  %ηAH = [(Ampere hour during discharge) / (Ampere hour during charge)] X 100
Ø  If Id is the average current  in amperes during
Ø        Td is the time of discharge in hours,
Ø        Ic be the average charging current in ampere
Ø        Tc be the time during charge in hours
Ø        Then, %ηAH =[(Id  X Td)  / (Ic  X Tc)] X 100
Ø  The ampere hour efficiency varies between 90% to 95%.
Ø  It means that if lead acid cell provides 90  AH on complete discharge, then 100 AH must be put back into the cell to restore it to original condition.

Watt - hour efficiency  (or) Energy efficiency
Ø  It is the ratio of out put energy in watt hours during discharge to the input energy in watt hour during charge
Ø  It is denoted by ηWH
Ø  %ηWH  = [(Output in watt hours during discharge) /  (Input in watt hour during charge)] X 100
Ø  The Energy or Watt hour efficiency can be determined from the ampere hour or quantity efficiency
Ø  If  Vd  &  Vc is the average terminal voltage of the battery during discharge time & charging time respectively  in volt,
Ø              Td and Tc  is the time of discharge in hours during discharging and charging respectively.
Ø        Ic  and  Id   be the average charging current and discharging current respectively  in ampere.
      %ηWH  = [(Vd X Id  X Td)  / (Vc  X  Ic  X Tc)] X 100
                       = {[(Vd ) / (Vc) ] X [ ( Id  X Td) / ( Ic  X Tc)] } X 100
               = [ (Vd ) / (Vc) ] X % ηAH


A cell also known as Storage cell.
·         A cell is a source of D.C in which Chemical Energy is converted into  Electrical Energy.
  • ·         A group of such cells either connected in either series or parallel or series – parallel is known as Battery.
  • ·         This process is called Electro Chemical action. A cell consists of two dissimilar metal plates ( Say Copper and Zinc) immersed in an electrolyte .
  • ·         The chemical action in the cell causes copper plate to become Positively charged and Zinc plate Negatively charged.
  • ·         If plates of Zinc and lead are placed in a solution of H2SO4, the emf developed  is about 0.5 Volts . Zinc and Copper in H2SO4 about 1.1 Volts.
  • ·         The E.M.F of a cell does not depend upon the size and spacing between the plates.
  • ·         With the increase in the size of the plates the capacity of the cell increases i.e the cell will deliver current for the longer period.

can be broadly classified as
1. Primary Cells       2. Secondary Cells
Primary Cell is a cell in which chemical action is not reversible.
Ø  A primary cell is one in which the chemical action eats away one of the electrodes, usually Negative electrode.
Ø  Many types of primary cells have been developed
Ø  Primary Cells are also called “Disposable Cells” or “Throw away” Cells.
Examples  Voltaic Cell , Daniel Cell (Wet Cell), Leclanche Cell (Carbon –Zinc Cell), Dry Cell ,
Zinc Chloride Cell (Heavy Duty Cell), Lithium Cell ,Zinc-Mercuric Oxide cell ,Zinc-Silver Oxide cell

 Secondary Cell is one in which Chemical action is reversible.
Ø  Secondary cells are also known as accumulators or rechargeable batteries sometimes storage batteries.
Ø  There is no actual consumption of any plate and that the chemical process is reversible.
Ø  Secondary cell first invented by the French Scientist Gaston Plante in 1859. When a current is passed  through a solution, a chemical reaction starts.
Ø  Due to this chemical reaction an electro Motive Force (emf) is developed in the cell. This emf is called Back Electro motive force.
Ø  When electrical energy is sent an electro motive force is developed between the cells due to their taking part in chemical reactions  and energy sent is stored up in the chemical energy form.
Ø  Chemical energy will be converted into Electrical energy when cell connected to load.

Examples of Secondary Cells
Ø   Lead acid Battery , Nickel – Iron alkaline Battery ( Edison Cell) , Nickel – Cadmium alkaline Battery  Silver – Zinc Batteries

الأحد، 29 ديسمبر 2019

Basic Electrical Engineering Practice bits MCQ

Basic Electrical Engineering Practice bits

1    .     The unit of resistivity is
a.     Ohm
b.    Ohm/metre
c.     Ohm-metre
d.    Mho
2.     A circuit having load  current zero when load _is _
a.     Short circuit
b.    Open circuit 
c.     A or B
d.    None
3.     A network having no source of emf is called
a.     Passive network
b.    Active network
c.     Electrical network
d.    None of the above
4.     The unit of capacitance is
a.     Weber
b.    Henry
c.     farad
d.    ampers
5.     The unit of solid angle is
a.     Radian
b.    Degree
c.     Gradient
d.    Steradian
6.     When diameter of conductor is doubled its resistance becomes
a.     2 times
b.    ½ times
c.     ¼ times
d.    Not change
7.     DC series motor start
a.     Without load
b.    With light load
c.     With heavy load
d.    Any of the above
8.     One coulomb per second is
a.     1 volt
b.    1 ampere
c.     1 watt
d.    1 joule
9.     In a pure inductive circuit the power is zero because
a.     Voltage =0
b.    current =0
c.     impedance =0
d.    power factor = 0
10.  p relay is used in
a.     the auto transformer
b.    power transformer
c.     potential transformer
d.    current transformer
11.  the ratio of resistance to impedance is
a.     form factor
b.    transformation ratio
c.     power factor
d.    admittance
12.  Kirchhoff’s voltage  law is applicable to
a.     Closed loop in a network
b.    Electronic circuit
c.     Electric circuit
d.    Junction in a network
13.  3-phase 440V 6 pole 50Hz induction motor has a speed of 950 rpm on full load. The lip is
a.     2%
b.    5%
c.     6%
d.    10%
14.  Given Z1=10 and Z2=5200 then  is
b.    300
c.     700
d.    10000
15.  In transformer copper losses are found by
a.     Open circuit test
b.    Phase sequence test
c.     Short circuit test
d.    Polarity test

16.  The alternator having salient pole type rotors are suitable for ____ speed machines
a.     low
b.    High
c.     Medium
d.    None
17.  Electrical energy converted into mechanical energy is
a.     Generator
b.    Motor
c.     Both
d.    Transformer
18.  Energy meter is ____type of instrument
a.     Recording
b.    Integrating
c.     Indicating
d.    None
19.  Sedimentation is a defeat on
a.     Energy meter
b.    Lead acid cell
c.     Dry cell
d.    Transformer
20.  In AC machines best efficiency is given by which of the following
a.     Slip ring motor
b.    Induction motor
c.     MG set
d.    Transformer






















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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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