الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2019

Alternating Machines ( AC Machines )

Electrical Machines 

Motor is a device which converts an electrical energy into mechanical energy.
A.C Motors are very popularly used in practice.
»A.C  Motors are the motor can be operate on  A.C supply.

Classification Of A.C Motors

According to principle of operation
According to speed
According to type of current
According to structural features
According to location

Classification according to working principle
1. Synchronous Motors
2. Asynchronous Motors 
Synchronous motor
A synchronous motor is a  constant speed motor.

It can be operated over a wide range of power factors.
It is a doubly excited machine.
Advantages of synchronous motor
Power factor can be controlled easily.
Motor can work at lagging, leading & upf.
Speed is constant and independent of load.
Disadvantages of synchronous motors
It is not self starting motor.
It requires dc excitation.
Initial cost is very high.
It can not be used for variable speed drives.
If the motor is over loaded it may fall out of step.
It has a tendency to Hunt.

Applications of synchronous 
It can be used as power factor corrector
Constant speed applications like clocks,air compressors & centrifugal pumps
Improving voltage regulation of long transmission lines
Frequency changers

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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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