الخميس، 2 يناير 2020

Electrical Engineering Practice Bits -2

Electrical Engineering Practice Bits

1.     Pin type insulators are used in
a.     Underground cables
b.    Sub marine cables
c.     Over head lines
d.    House wiring
2.     The measuring instrument which works on heating effect is
a.     Frequency meter
b.    Wein’s bridge
c.     Megger
d.    Hot wire instrument
3.     Megger is used for measuring
a.     Resistance
b.    Insulation resistance
c.     High resistance
d.    Earth resistance
4.     In electrical measuring instruments electrical energy is converted into
a.     Light energy
b.    Heat energy
c.     Mechanical energy
d.    None
5.     Electrical degrees to make one cycle is
a.     1800
b.    2700
c.     900
d.    3600

6.     Heat produced in a current carrying conductor is proportional to
a.     I
b.    I2
c.     I2Rt
d.    I2R
7.     Law of conservation of charge is extended in
a.     KCL
b.    KVL
c.     Len’z law
d.    Faraday’s law
8.     The curve representing ohm’s law is
a.     Sine
b.    Cosine
c.     Parabola
d.    Linear
9.     In electrical machines one pole pitch is
a.     1800 electrical degrees
b.    3600 electrical degrees
c.     900 electrical degrees
d.    1200 electrical degrees
10.  The permissible voltage fluctuation limit in supply
a.     10%
b.    5%
c.     1%
d.    20%
11.  Purpose of tap changer in transformer
a.     Regulate the voltage at input
b.    Regulate voltage at output
c.     Regulate the power
d.    None
12.  Switching transistor are operated in
a.     Cut off region
b.    Active region
c.     Saturation region
d.    Either cutoff or saturation
13.  Which of the following plants is suitable for peak load
a.     Diesel engine plant
b.    Steam power plant
c.     Nuclear power plant
d.    Hydro electric plant
14.  Solar cell are made of
a.     Aluminium
b.    Germanium
c.     Silicon
d.    Cadmium
15.  The resistance in electric circuit is analogous to __ in magnetic circuit
a.     Flux
b.    MMF
c.     Permeance
d.    Reluctance
16.  Real part of admittance is
a.     Impedance
b.    Resistance
c.     Susceptance
d.    Conductance
17.  Lap winding is most suitable for
a.     Low voltage
b.    High voltage
c.     Both
d.    None
18.  The voltage gain of an emitter follower is always
a.     zero
b.    More than 1
c.     Less than 1
d.    Greater than or equal to 1
19.  The practical value of co efficient of coupling is always
a.     Equal to 1
b.    Greater than 1
c.     Less than 1
d.    None
20.  An instantaneous change in voltage is not possible in
a.     Resistor
b.    An inductor
c.     A capacitor
d.    A current source

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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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