الجمعة، 24 يناير 2020

Electrical Engineering practice bits -17

Electrical Engineering practice bits -17

The following practice bits are useful the Electrical Aspirants  who are preparing for the Different competitive exams like RRB JE ,SSC JE, ECET , GATE , PSU, PGECET,DRDO CEPTAM ,TSTRANSCO, TSGENCO, TSSSPDCL , TSNPDCL AE AND SE, APTRANSCO, APGENCO, ....ETC

MCQ Questions With Answers

1.     Transformers:
a.     Transforms frequency
b.     Transforms voltage
c.     Transforms current
d.     Transforms current and voltage
2.     The period of a wave is
a.     Same as frequency
b.     Time required to complete one cycle
c.     Expressed in amperes
d.     None
3.     The form factor is the ratio of
a.     Peak value of rms value
b.     Rms value to average value
c.     Average value to rms value
d.     None
4.     The time period of a sine wave is 1/50 seconds. Its frequency is ___
a.     20Hz
b.     30 Hz
c.     40 Hz
d.     50 Hz
5.     A heater is rated as 230V, 10KW, AC the value of 203 refers to ____
a.     Average voltage
b.     Rms voltage
c.     Peak voltage
d.     None
6.     The peak value of a sine wave is 200V. its average value is ___
a.     127.4V
b.     141.4V
c.     282.8V
d.     200V
7.     The rms value of a sine wave is 100A, its peak value is
a.     70.7A
b.     141.4A
c.     150A
d.     282.8A
8.     The maximum permissible value of earth resistance for a small substation
a.     One ohm
b.     Two ohm
c.     Three ohm
d.     Four ohm
9.     Relative permittivity can be measured by ___ bridge
a.     Wheatstone
b.     Hay’s
c.     Schering
d.     Kelvins bridge
10.  A pony motor is basically
a.     Iinduction motor
b.     Synchronous motor
c.     Dc motor
d.     Stepper motor
11.  3 phase synchronous motor having how many slip rings
a.     1
b.     2
c.     3
d.     4
12.  In electrical measuring instruments electrical energy is converted into 
a.     Heat energy
b.     Light energy
c.      Electrical energy
d.     Mechanical energy
13.  The most effective damping is
a.     Eddy current damping
b.     Air friction damping
c.     fulid friction damping
d.     spring damping
14.  In high voltage transmission line earth conductor is used ___
a.     Above
b.     Below
c.     At the same level
d.     None
15.  Function of steel wire in a ACSR conductor is
a.     To help carry additional current
b.     To reduce the resistance
c.     To take up the mechanical tension in the line
d.     All of the above
16.  Which is best conductor of electricity___
a.     Copper
b.     Aluminium
c.     Iron
d.     Silver
17.  Aluminiumm is preferred to copper for transmission line because
a.     It has good conductivity
b.     It has less weight compared to copper
c.     It is available in india in plenty
d.     None
18.  Resistors commonly used in power circuits are ___
a.     Wire wound resistors
b.     Carbon resistors
c.     Deposited metal resistors
d.     Thick film, thin film resistor
19.  Coating usually recommended for electrical contacts is that of ___
a.     Tin
b.     Gold
c.     Chromium
d.     Silver
20.  Resistance of 250V, 100W lamp will be___
a.     0.4Ω
b.     25 Ω
c.     625 Ω
d.     2.5 Ω


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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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