الاثنين، 2 مارس 2020

Electrical Engineering practice bits -24

Electrical Engineering practice bits -24

The following practice bits are useful the Electrical Aspirants  who are preparing for the Different competitive exams like RRB JE ,SSC JE, ECET , GATE , PSU, PGECET,DRDO CEPTAM ,TSTRANSCO, TSGENCO, TSSSPDCL , TSNPDCL AE AND SE, APTRANSCO, APGENCO, ....ETC

MCQ Questions With Answers

1.     A transformer having 1000 primary turns connected to a 250V ac supply for a secondary voltage of 400v. the number of secondary turns required are
a.     1600
b.    250
c.     400
d.    1250
2.     The primary and secondary of transformer coupled
a.     Electrically
b.    Magnetically
c.     Both
d.    None
3.     A synchronous motor working at leading pf can be used as
a.     Synchronous generator
b.    Synchronous inductor
c.     Synchronous condenser
d.    Synchronous booster
4.     Induction generator runs at
a.     Synchronous speed
b.    Above synchronous speed
c.     Below synchronous speed
d.    None
5.     A universal motor is operated on
a.     AC only
b.    DC only
c.     Both AC and DC
d.    None
6.     Ideal DC generator has a regulation of
a.     Zero
b.    100%
c.     10%
d.    90%
7.     The yoke of a DC machine is usually made of
a.     Cast iron
b.    Cast steel
c.     Rolled steel
d.    Aluminum
8.     An instrument has full scale deflection of 100mA what is sensitivity
a.     100Ω/volt
b.    10 Ω/volt
c.     10 volt/Ω
d.    100V/Ω
9.     When the moving coil instrument is to be used as ammeter to calculate the shunt resistance formula used is
a.     Rsh=
b.    Rsh=
c.     Rsh=
d.    Rsh=
10.  In electro static voltmeters torque is proportional to
a.     V2
b.    V
c.     I
d.    I2
11.  Moving iron instruments accurately reads
a.     AC
b.    DC
c.     Both in same accuracy
d.    None
12.  The pointer in instruments is made up of
a.     Steel
b.    Iron
c.     Aluminum
d.    Copper
13.  The secondary circuit of CT should not be ___ while its primary is energized
a.     Open circuited
b.    Short circuited
c.     Removed
d.    None
14.  Which of the following is fissile material
a.     U-238
b.    U-234
c.     Th-232
d.    PU-239
15.  Water hammer in penstocks is prevented by
a.     Spill way
b.    Surge tank
c.     Governer
d.    None
16.  Boron is used in nuclear reactor
a.     Fuel
b.    Heat exchanger
c.     Control rods
d.    Moderator
17.  Steam plant works on the principle of
a.     Rankine cycle
b.    Carnot cycle
c.     Bryton cycle
d.    None
18.  String efficiency can be increased by
a.     Increasing number of discs
b.    Using earth wire
c.     Using guard ring wire
d.    None
19.  In DC corona loss is
a.     Less than AC corona loss
b.    Greater than AC
c.     Some as AC
d.    Zero
20.  Sag of conductors between two poles can be determined by
21.  Zero watt lamp consumes
a.     Zero power
b.    About 5 to 7
c.     About 15 to 20 W
d.    30W
22.  Synchronous condenser operates at
a.     Heavy loads lagging pf
b.    No load leading pf
c.     Light roads leading pf
d.    Heavy loads leading pf
23.  Transformer is a device which works on
a.     Both ac and dc
b.    AC only
c.     DC only
d.    None of the above
24.  Meter constant of energy meter is
a.     Number of rev/Kwh
b.    Number of pulses/ Kwh
c.     Number of rev/ minute
d.    Number of pulses/ second
25.  How many diodes are required for a bridge rectifier
a.     2
b.    1
c.     3
d.    4


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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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