الاثنين، 2 مارس 2020

Electrical Engineering practice bits -26

Electrical Engineering practice bits -26

The following practice bits are useful the Electrical Aspirants  who are preparing for the Different competitive exams like RRB JE ,SSC JE, ECET , GATE , PSU, PGECET,DRDO CEPTAM ,TSTRANSCO, TSGENCO, TSSSPDCL , TSNPDCL AE AND SE, APTRANSCO, APGENCO, ....ETC

MCQ Questions With Answers

1.     The fractional slip of a 3- motor formula is
a.     S=
b.    S=
c.     S=
d.    S=
2.     The principle of operation of an induction motor is based on
a.     Faraday’s law
b.    Rotating magnetic field
c.     Fleming right hand fule
d.    Ohm’s law
3.     The field circuit of an alternator is supplied with
a.     An oscillating current
b.    A direct current
c.     An alternating current
d.    A pulsating current
4.     The frequency generated by a 8 pole alternator rotating at 600 rpm will be
a.     20 Hz
b.    40 Hz
c.     60 Hz
d.    80 Hz
5.     What will happen to 415 V/ 240V, 1KVA transformer when it is connected to a DC supply
a.     Output will be 240 V
b.    Output will be 415
c.     Transformer may burn
d.    Remains as it is
6.     The application of auto  transformer is
a.     Series line boosters
b.    Commercial buildings
c.     Eliminators
d.    Tong tester
7.     the emf equation of a 1- transformer is secondary side is
a.     4.44 fN1 volt
b.    2.22 N2 volt
c.     2.22 f volt
d.    4.44 fN2 volt
8.     In DC motor the back emf(Eb) is directly proportional to ____
a.     Flux
b.    Speed
c.     No of armature conductor
d.    Number of poles
9.     Motor used in electric traction is
a.     Decompounds
b.    Dc shunt
c.     Dc series
d.    All
10.  In dc generator commutator made up of
a.     Brass
b.    Hard drawn copper
c.     Bronte
d.    Steel
11.  A moving iron instrument has a ___
a.     A linear scale
b.    Non linear scale
c.     Exponential scale
d.    Logarithmic scale
12.  Multi meter consists of
a.     Voltmeter and ammeter
b.    Voltmeter and ohm meter
c.     Voltmeter, ammeter, ohmmeter
d.    None
13.  Which one of the following meter belongs to the integrating type instruments
a.     Voltmeter
b.    Ammeter
c.     Energy meter
d.    Watt meter
14.  The unit of sensitivity of the instrument is
a.     Ohm/ volt
b.    Volt/ ohm
c.     Volt-amp
d.    Ampere/sec
15.  The life of tungsten filament lamp is about
a.     1000hours
b.    2000 hours
c.     4000 hours
d.    None
16.  The unit of luminous efficiency is
a.     Lumen/ watt
b.    Watt/ lumen
c.     Lumens
d.    Kwh
17.  A lamp emits total flux of 300 lumens the MSCP of the lamp is
b.    3000  4π
18.  If d is the distance of a surface from a source the illumination upon the surface will vary as
a.     D
b.    D2
19.  Rc oscillator is suitable for generating
a.     High frequencies
b.    Low frequencies
c.     Both
d.    Audio frequencies

20.  The full form of BIS is
a.     Bureau of institute standards
b.    Bureau of indian standards
c.     Bureau of indian supply
d.    Bureau of institute supply


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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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