الثلاثاء، 5 يناير 2021

Flexible AC Transmission System

Flexible AC Transmission System 

  1. List and explain briefly important controllable parameters that are considered for power flow control.
  2. Enumerate the relative merits and demerits of current source converters over voltage source converters.
  3. Illustrate the Current Source Converter.
  4. Explain about the three level Multi Level Voltage Source Converters.
  5. Explain about the Grid in Electrical System.
  6. Write the operation of Single phase bridge Converter with near sketch.
  7. Explain about the How impedance will affect in transmission of power.
  8. Draw the different types  of FACTS devices.
  9. Explain about the Inter connection of transmission line with and without FACTS devices.
  10. Explain about the Transformer connection for the 12 pulse operation.
  11. Name and explain different types of stability issues that limit transmission capability.
  12. Analyze the three phase full-wave bridge converter with necessary waveforms.
  13. Analyze the three Level Voltage Source converter.
  14. Discuss Need of electrical transmission systems are interconnected?
  15. Discuss the various categories of FACTS controllers in brief.

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