Monday, 18 January 2021

Practice Test for Ecet Electrical 2021

 Practice Test for 

ECET Electrical 2021 

Dear Aspirants, This Test contains the 80 MCQ questions form the various topics form the Electrical Engineering, Duration is 60 Min. 

After Completion of Test  Please take the screenshot and post to the our WhatsApp number 

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 highest score persons will be posted in website  and our YouTube channel.

Friday, 15 January 2021

Para motor Championship At Mahabubnagar, Telangana 13Jan to 17Jan 2021

Para motor Champion ship is held at Mahabubnagar ,Telanagana, From 13th January to 17th January 2021at District Stadium Ground .Mahabub nagar.

Photos By Maniramakrisha Adike 

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Practice Test for Electrical SSC JE

 Practice Test for Electrical SSC JE 

High Voltage Engineering-Previous Questions


1. What is Ionization process? Explain different ionization process in detail.
 2. Explain the streamer theory of breakdown in gases. 
3. What is thermal breakdown in solid dielectrics, and how is it practically more significant than other mechanics? 
4. Explain different theories of breakdown in commercial liquids. 
5. Give the concept of Townsend’s criteria of breakdown in gases. 
6. Define Townsend’s first and second Ionization coefficients. Explain the procedure of Townsend’s criterion for breakdown in detail. 
7. What is meant by Intrinsic strength? Explain intrinsic breakdown mechanism in solid dielectrics.
 8. What are commercial liquid dielectrics? How they differ from pure liquid dielectrics?
 9. Explain how the temperature affects the breakdown strength of solid dielectrics 
10. Explain the various mechanisms of breakdown phenomenon in commercial liquids. 
11. Explain how treeing and tracking leads to breakdown in solid insulating materials.
 12. Explain different methods for generation of high frequency AC voltages. 
13. What is meant by potential divider? How it is used for impulse voltage measurements. 
14. Discuss about Uniform and Non uniform fields. 15. Define Composite Dielectric. 
16. What are the differences between pure and commercial liquids? 
17. Derive the expressions for voltage ripple and regulation in a voltage multiplier circuit. 
18. Explain about tripping and control of impulse generators.
 19. What is paschen’s law? Explain how the temperature affects the breakdown strength of solid dielectrics?.
 20. State and explain Paschen‟s law. How do you account for the minimum voltage for breakdown under a given „p*d‟ condition? . 
21. Explain thermal breakdown in solid dielectrics and its significance. 
22. Explain streamer theory breakdown in gases. 
23. Describe the current growth phenomenon in a gas subjected to uniform electric fields.

Flexible AC Transmission System

Flexible AC Transmission System 

  1. List and explain briefly important controllable parameters that are considered for power flow control.
  2. Enumerate the relative merits and demerits of current source converters over voltage source converters.
  3. Illustrate the Current Source Converter.
  4. Explain about the three level Multi Level Voltage Source Converters.
  5. Explain about the Grid in Electrical System.
  6. Write the operation of Single phase bridge Converter with near sketch.
  7. Explain about the How impedance will affect in transmission of power.
  8. Draw the different types  of FACTS devices.
  9. Explain about the Inter connection of transmission line with and without FACTS devices.
  10. Explain about the Transformer connection for the 12 pulse operation.
  11. Name and explain different types of stability issues that limit transmission capability.
  12. Analyze the three phase full-wave bridge converter with necessary waveforms.
  13. Analyze the three Level Voltage Source converter.
  14. Discuss Need of electrical transmission systems are interconnected?
  15. Discuss the various categories of FACTS controllers in brief.

Monday, 4 January 2021

Audio General Knowledge : Indian History | Episode 7 | Jainism | Ancient India |


Audio General Knowledge : 

Indian History | Episode 7 | 

Jainism | Ancient India | 

Religious Movement 

 Podcast By  Maniramakrishna Adike

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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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