Thursday, 2 January 2020

Electrical Engineering Practice bits -4

Electrical Engineering Practice bits -4

   1.     Which of the following is a secondary cell

a.     Voltaic cell
b.    Denial cells
c.     Primary cell
d.    Lead acid cell

2.     The ratio of RMS value to average value of an alternating quantity is known as

a.     Power factor
b.    Peak factor
c.     Form factor
d.    Pitch factor

3.     VIcos  is called

a.     Reactive power            
b.    Real power
c.     Apparent power
d.    Total power

4.     A tolerance band of 20% in the value of carbon resistor is represented by

a.     Gold band
b.    Black band
c.     Silver band
d.    Without any band

5.     Which of the following is a semi conductor

a.     Copper
b.    Aluminium
c.     Silver
d.    Silicon

6.     Unit of heat  energy is

a.     KWH
b.    KVA
c.     KVAR
d.    KCAL

7.     The capacity of storage cell is measured in

a.     Amp-hour
b.    Watt-hour
c.     Joule
d.    Coulomb

8.     Two identical coils are having self inductance of 4mH with mutual inductance between them is 3mH the co efficiency coupling is ____

a.     1
b.    1.5
c.     0.75
d.    2

9.     Which of the following are insulators

a.     Rubber
b.    Glass
c.     P.V.C.
d.    All the above

10.  The unit of magneto motive force is

a.     Weber
b.    Amp/m
c.     Henry
d.    Amp-turn

11.  The quantity efficiency of a lead acid battery is between

a.     90-95%
b.    72-78%
c.     60-65%
d.    10-15%

12.  A 24V lead acid –storage battery has 12 numbers of 2V cell

a.     All in parallel
b.    All in series                  
c.     Both a and b
d.    None

13.  In dc generators lap winding is used for

a.     Low voltage, low current
b.    Low voltage high current
c.     High voltage, high current
d.    High voltage low current

14.  Aluminium is a -------

a.     Paramagnetic material
b.    Diamagnetic material
c.     Ferro magnetic material
d.    Soft magnetic material

15.  Inter poles in DC machines are used for

a.     Increase voltage
b.    Increase current
c.     Balancing induced emf
d.    Improving commutation

16.  The transformer are working on the principle of  

a.     Conversion energy
b.    Eddy current
c.     Self induction
d.    Mutual induction

17.  Fuse wire is prepared using

a.     Copper
b.    Aluminium
c.     Lead and tin
d.    Silver and iron

18.  A dynamo

a.     Converts mechanical energy to electrical energy
b.    Converts EE to ME
c.     Creates mechanical energy
d.    Amplify electrical energy

19.  A six pole generator has 2 parallel paths. The generator is wound in___

a.     Lap winding
b.    Ware winding
c.     Concentric winding
d.    All the above

20.  BHP stands for

a.     British horse power
b.    British high power
c.     Belt horse power
d.    Break horse power

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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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