Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Electrical Engineering practice bits -8

Electrical Engineering practice bits -8

The following practice bits are useful the Electrical Aspirants  who are preparing for the Different competitive exams like RRB JE ,SSC JE, ECET , GATE , PSU, PGECET,DRDO CEPTAM ,TSTRANSCO, TSGENCO, TSSSPDCL , TSNPDCL AE AND SE, APTRANSCO, APGENCO, ....ETC 
MCQ Questions 

1.       FET is a
a.        Current controlled device
b.       Voltage control device
c.        Controlled device
d.       None
2.       How many PN junctions are there in a SCR
a.        1
b.       2
c.        3
d.       4
3.       The material used for shunt resistor for the extension range of ammeter is
a.        Brass
b.       Manganin
c.        Bronze
d.       Copper
4.       The material used for spring control in instrument is
a.        Manganin
b.       Eureka
c.        Phosphor bronze
d.       Silver
5.       Which type of instrument belongs to the integrating instrument type
a.        Energy meter
b.       Voltmeter
c.        Ammeter
d.       None
6.       A de generator complete 1500 revolutions in one minute speed in revolutions per second(rps) is
a.        125 rps
b.       100rps
c.        50rps
d.       25rps
7.       In dc generator the shunt field contains many turns of thin wire it has a
a.        Zero resistance
b.       Low resistance
c.        High resistance
d.       Medium resistance
8.       In a self excited generator, the excitation is provided by
a.        Its armature
b.       Its field
c.        Battery
d.       Another generator
9.       To calculate the efficiency of motor is
b.       Output X input
c.        (Output + input )x100
10.    The turning or twisting moment of a force is called
a.        Torque
b.       Speed
c.        Power
d.       Velocity
11.    Which type of transformer does not isolate the secondary
a.        Potential transformer
b.       Auto transformer
c.        Current transformer
d.       Distribution transformer
12.    What losses can be determined by conducting open circuit test for transformer is
a.        Copper losses
b.       Iron losses
c.        Both
d.       None
13.    The percentage of voltage regulation formula of an alternator is
14.    Find the number of cycles per second of a 6 pole alternator running at 1000 rpm
a.        50c/sec
b.       60 c/sec
c.        70c/sec
d.       75c/sec
15.    The DC and AC generators are similar in one important function that is the
a.        Generated emf is a direct current
b.       Generated emf is a alternating current
c.        Generated emf is a pulsating current
d.       Generated emf is oscillating current
16.    When rotor of a induction motor is stand still what is the value of slip
a.        S=0
b.       S=1
c.        S=2
d.       None
17.    For a small capacity induction motor, the type of starter used is
a.        Star delta starter
b.       DOL starter
c.        Auto transformer starter
d.       Rotor resistance starter
18.    What is the phase angle difference between each phase winding as 3 phase induction motor
a.        900
b.       1200
c.        1800
d.       3600
19.    For toys, the preferred motor is
a.        Shaded pole motor
b.       Capacitor motor’
c.        Reluctance motor
d.       Universal motor

20.    Which of the following motor is used for printers
a.        Stepper motor
b.       Universal motor
c.        Hysteresis motor
d.       Shaded pole motor
21.    The distance between two adjacent pole in armature winding is called as
a.        Resultant pitch
b.       Pole pitch
c.        Commutator pitch
d.       Average pitch
22.    Turbo alternator run at
a.        A variable speed around 2000rpm
b.       A constant speed of 1000rpm
c.        A constant speed of 3000rpm
d.       A variable speed above 1000 rpm
23.    The first nuclear plant installed in india is
a.        Kota(Rajasthan)
b.    Tarapur(Maharashtra)
c.     Kalpakam(Tamil nadu)
d.    Narora(Uttar Pradesh)
24.  The power station that does not require only moving parts is
a.     Tidal plant
b.    Solar plant
c.     Wind plant
d.    Any of the above
25.  The depth of a pole below the ground level in case of normal soil should be ____
a.     ¼ th of its full height
b.    1/5 th of its full height
c.     1/6 th of its full height
d.    1/8 th of its full height
26.  GTO stands for
a.     Gate Tuned off Thyrister
b.    Gate Turn off Thyrister
c.     Gate Triggered off Thyrister
d.    Gate Triggering off Thyrister


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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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