Monday, 2 March 2020

Electrical Engineering practice bits -25

Electrical Engineering practice bits -25

The following practice bits are useful the Electrical Aspirants  who are preparing for the Different competitive exams like RRB JE ,SSC JE, ECET , GATE , PSU, PGECET,DRDO CEPTAM ,TSTRANSCO, TSGENCO, TSSSPDCL , TSNPDCL AE AND SE, APTRANSCO, APGENCO, ....ETC

MCQ Questions With Answers

1.     The efficiency of a thermal power plant is about
a.     10%
b.    30%
c.     60%
d.    80%
2.     For low head and high discharge, the hydraulic turbine used is
a.     Francis turbine
b.    Pelton wheel
c.     Kaplan turbine
d.    None
3.     Base load plants are designed to supply power at
a.     High capital cost and low operating cost
b.    Low capital cost and high operating cost
c.     Low capital cost and low operating cot
d.    High capital cost and high operating cost
4.     Which of the following plant is the least reliable
a.     Wind
b.    Tidal
c.     Geothermal
d.    Solar
5.     The expansion of XLPE cable is
a.     X-line ower cable
b.    Cross line polythene enameled cable
c.     Cross linked poly ethylene cable
d.    X-layer of poly ethylene cable
6.     The maximum permissible value of earth resistance for a small substation is
a.     3Ω
b.    2 Ω
c.     6 Ω
d.    1 Ω
7.     Now a day’s fuses are replaced by MCB because they are
a.     Fast operating
b.    Easy operating
c.     Automatic breaking
d.    All the above
8.     While using wooden poles in a service line, the span should not exceeds
a.     100 to 300 m
b.    60 to 100m
c.     50 to 80m
d.    40 to 50 m
9.     What is the other name of PCB(printed circuit board)
a.     Copper laminated boards
b.    Tag boards
c.     Tug boards
d.    Bread boards
10.  The terminals of TRIAC are
a.     Base, collector, emitter
b.    Anode, cathode, gate
c.     MT1, MT2, gate
d.    Source, drain, gate
11.  IGBT stands for
a.     Insulated gate bipolar transistor
b.    Integrated gate bipolar transistor
c.     Insulated gate based trigger
d.    Integrated gate based transistor
12.  The electrical degree of 6 pole of AC motor is
a.     10800
b.    7200
c.     5400
d.    3600
13.  The unit of current density
a.     Ampere/m2
b.    Ampere/ second
c.     Ampere/ m
d.    Amp.m2
14.  How many parallel paths in 6 pole simplex lap wound armature in DC generator is ___
a.     4
b.    6
c.     8
d.    12

15.  The percentage of full load torque develops at starting by universal motor is about
a.     300%
b.    350%
c.     400%
d.    450%
16.  The universal motor works on the same principle of which type of machine
a.     Dc generator
b.    DC motor
c.     AC induction motor
d.    AC generator
17.  In shaded pole single phase motor the revolving field is produced by
a.     Capacitor
b.    Regulator
c.     Shading ring
d.    Winding
18.  The suitable motor for domestic fan is
a.     Dc shunt motor
b.    Dc series motor
c.     1- induction motor
d.    Synchronous motor
19.  The formula to calculating the synchronous speed (NS) of 3- induction motor is
a.     Ns=
b.    Ns=
c.     Ns=
d.    Ns=
20.  What is the fuse rating that can be selected for a 10 HP induction motor
a.     10A
b.    15A
c.     20A
d.    25A

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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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