Monday, 2 March 2020

Electrical Engineering practice bits -27

Electrical Engineering practice bits -27

The following practice bits are useful the Electrical Aspirants  who are preparing for the Different competitive exams like RRB JE ,SSC JE, ECET , GATE , PSU, PGECET,DRDO CEPTAM ,TSTRANSCO, TSGENCO, TSSSPDCL , TSNPDCL AE AND SE, APTRANSCO, APGENCO, ....ETC

MCQ Questions With Answers

1.     Which type of diode is used in radio receivers
a.     Signal diodes
b.    Switching diodes
c.     Point control diode
d.    High power diodes
2.     Which one is active component
a.     Resister
b.    Capacitor
c.     Zener diode
d.    Inductor
3.     Zener diode are used as
a.     Rectifiers
b.    filter
c.     regulators
d.    amplifier
4.     in RLC series circuit the resonance will occur when
a.     XL<XC
b.    XL>XC
c.     XL=XC
d.    XL<R
5.     A 3- star connection the relation between line current (IL) and phase current (Iph) is
a.     IL=Iph
b.    IL=Iph
c.     IL=
d.    IL=3Iph
6.     If RMS voltage (Vr) is 240 then maximum value of voltage of AC single phase circuit
a.     389.45V
b.    376.76V
c.     339.46V
d.    252V
7.     Which of the following relation is true
a.     P2=S2+Q2
b.    S2=P2+Q2
c.     S=P2+Q2
d.    Q2=S2+P2
8.     Inductive reactance of an inductor is ____
a.     XL=2πfl
b.    XL= 
c.     XL= 1πfl
d.    XL=
9.     What is power factor of pure resistive circuit
a.     1.0
b.    0.95
c.     0.9
d.    0.85
10.  The resistance of an open circuit is equal to
a.     Zero
b.    Infinity
c.     Small
d.    None
11.  What is the unit of permeability
a.     Ampere-turns
b.    Weber/m2
c.     No unit
d.    Weber
12.  Externally the magnetic lines of force travel
a.     North to south
b.    South to north
c.     Negative to positive
d.    None
13.  Find total effective capacitance of three condensers 5µF, 7µF and 12µF connected in parallel
a.     2.4µF
b.    0.24µF
c.     24µF
d.    240µF
14.  When the current is passed through the electron type what type of effect of current will be produce
a.     Magnetic effect
b.    Heating effect
c.     Chemical effect
d.    Lighting effect
15.  Which one of the following application DC supply is essential
a.     Rolling mills
b.    Printing press
c.     Battery charging
d.    Compressors
16.  Which material is applied to the terminal post of a lead acid battery to avoid corrosion
a.     Aluminum sulphate
b.    Silica gel
c.     Petroleum jelly
d.    Sulpher powder
17.  A 120Ah capacity battery can deliver a current of 8A for a period of
a.     20 hrs
b.    15hrs
c.     12hrs
d.    8hrs
18.  Practical SI unit of heat is expressed in
a.     Calories
b.    Centigrade
c.     Joule
d.    Celsius
19.  One joule per second is
a.     One volt
b.    One ampere
c.     One watt
d.    One ohm
20.  What is the power input to an electric heater, that draws 2 amperes at 250 volts supply source
a.     360W
b.    125W
c.     500W
d.    1000W
21.  Ideal voltage source having an internal resistance
a.     Infinity
b.    Zero
c.     1Ω
d.    None
22.  What will be the voltage drop across resistor of 60Ω
a.     60V
b.    6V
c.     1V
d.    600V
23.  How many free electrons will move through across of a conductor for one ampere current in one second
a.     2.64x1018
b.    4.64x1018
c.     6.24x1018
d.    6.24x1020
24.  The heat generated is calculated using joules law is
a.     IRt joules
b.    I2Rt joules
c.     I2R joules
d.    I2t joules
25.  As per ohm’s law statement in the circuit, current is directly proportional to
a.     Voltage
b.    Resistance
c.     Temperature
d.    Conductance

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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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