Friday, 24 January 2020

Electrical Engineering practice bits -14

Electrical Engineering practice bits -14

The following practice bits are useful the Electrical Aspirants  who are preparing for the Different competitive exams like RRB JE ,SSC JE, ECET , GATE , PSU, PGECET,DRDO CEPTAM ,TSTRANSCO, TSGENCO, TSSSPDCL , TSNPDCL AE AND SE, APTRANSCO, APGENCO, ....ETC

MCQ Questions With Answers

1.     Resistance of 250V, 100W lamp will be___
a.     0.4Ω
b.    25 Ω
c.     625 Ω
d.    2.5 Ω
2.     Arc lamps operated on
a.     Ac only
b.    Dc only
c.     Ac and dc
d.    none
3.     The storage battery generally used in electric power station is
a.     Ni-cd battery
b.    Zinc-carbon battery
c.     Lead-acid battery
d.    None
4.     The output voltage of a charges is ____
a.     Less than the battery voltage
b.    Same as the battery
c.     Higher than the battery voltage
d.    None
5.     Reciprocal of reluctance is
a.     Susceptibility
b.    Permeability
c.     Permeance reluctivity
6.     The force between two long parallel conductor is inversely proportional to __
a.     Current in one conductor
b.    Product of current in two conductors
c.     Distance between the conductors
d.    Radius of conductor
7.     The direction of magnetic lines of force is determined by
a.     Right hand rule
b.    Right hand cork screw rule
c.     Both of a and b
d.    None
8.     Which of the following generator can be used for  welding process
a.     Series generator
b.    Shunt generator
c.     Differentially compound generator
d.    Differentially compound motor
9.     Q-factor increases by ____
a.     Decreasing band width
b.    Increasing band width
c.     All of the above
d.    None
10.  Q meter works on the principle of
a.     Series resonance
b.    Parallel resonance
c.     Both a and b
d.    None
11.  In an intrinsic semiconductor the mobile carriers are
a.     Electron only
b.    Holes only
c.     Both electrons and holes
d.    Positive and negative ions
12.  Stepup transformer is required to supply
a.     60W 230V electric lamp
b.    Electric bell
c.     Neon lamps
d.    None
13.  Step down transformer is required to supply
a.     60W  230V electric lamp
b.    Electric bell
c.     Neon sign
d.    None
14.  Voltage of a miniature size night bulb used in house is
a.     230V AC
b.    230V DC
c.     6V AC
d.    6V DC
15.  Standard frequency to supply in India is
a.     60Hz
b.    50 Hz
c.     25 Hz
d.    None
16.  The voltage of domestic supply is 220V. This figure represents ____
a.     Mean value
b.    Rms value
c.     Peak value
d.    Average value
17.  The rms value and mean value is the same in the case of ____
a.     Triangular wave
b.    Sine wave
c.     Square wave
d.    Half wave sectified sine wave
18.  Speed regulation of series motor is 
a.     Positive
b.    negative
c.     both a and b
d.    none
19.  thermocouple works on the principle of
a.     peltier effect
b.    seebect effct
c.     Ferranti effct
d.    Skin effect
20.  The i/p impedance of a CRO is ___
a.     Zero
b.    Around 100Ω
c.     Around 1000 Ω
d.    Around one mega ohm
21.  Conductivity of aluminium is compared to copper is
a.     80%
b.    100%
c.     60%
d.    67%
22.  132KV transmission line employs
a.     Shackle
b.    Pin
c.     Disc type insulator
d.    Plug
23.  400V line at dead end employs _____
a.     Shackle
b.    Pin
c.     Disc type insulator
d.    None
24.   Efficiency of Highest transmission voltage is
a.     85 -95%
b.    65-75%
c.     50-60%
d.    50%
25.  RL circuit having a power factor is
a.     unity
b.    zero power factor
c.     lagging
d.    leading
26.  which damping is employed in MI
      a.air friction damping
      b.fluid friction
c.eddy current damping
d,spring damping


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Self Learners By Maniramakrishna

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